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CSR und Brand Management Marken nachhaltig f?hren【電子書籍】

CSR und Brand Management Marken nachhaltig f?hren【電子書籍】

<p>Marken z?hlen zu den wichtigsten Werttreibern von Unternehmen. Zugleich sind sie relevante Bindeglieder und Vertrauensanker zwischen Unternehmen und Gesellschaft. Positioniert sich eine Marke gezie...

2,349円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

E is for Exceptional The new science of success【電子書籍】[ Rob Yeung ]

E is for Exceptional The new science of success【電子書籍】[ Rob Yeung ]

<p>By the author of <em>You Can Change Your Life</em> (Macmillan, December 2012)</p> <p>Over the last decade, Rob Yeung has interviewed hundreds of high achievers in business, sport and entertainment ...

1,579円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Making Fiscal Decentralization Work: Cross-Country Experiences【電子書籍】[ Annalisa Ms. Fedelino ]

Making Fiscal Decentralization Work: Cross-Country Experiences【電子書籍】[ Annalisa Ms. Fedelino ]

<p>The question of what makes fiscal decentralization work is faced by many policymakers around the world. This book draws on both the relevant literature and policy and technical advice provided by t...

2,229円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Mediterranean Tourism Facets of Socioeconomic Development and Cultural Change【電子書籍】

Mediterranean Tourism Facets of Socioeconomic Development and Cultural Change【電子書籍】

<p>This book comments on the complexities of Mediterranean tourism, with contributions from researchers, consultants, managers and advisors from thirteen countries. It is an excellent reference tool f...

9,961円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

増???:不?定?代企?的増?底牌【電子書籍】[ 王? ]

増???:不?定?代企?的増?底牌【電子書籍】[ 王? ]

<p>?什?増????于企?和企?家而言如此之重要? 本?上,増?是?大部分企???的原点,而低増?、不?定?代的到来,也使増?再次成?企?家、管理者及??者?注的焦点??。 如何??可持?増?? 本?作者王?基于13年的?略管理咨???和70多家企??操案例,沿着“増?五?”的脉?,以“??”?中心,通??企?増??行解剖,从更微?的?角找到影?企?増?的??因素,指?不同条件下的企?去?整自身...

1,128円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

数智化幼儿?:基于数字化和智能化的幼儿??型与?践【電子書籍】[ 王石 ]

数智化幼儿?:基于数字化和智能化的幼儿??型与?践【電子書籍】[ 王石 ]


237円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Offene und geschlossene Immobilienfonds und ihre internationalen Pendants【電子書籍】[ Matthias Mager ]

Offene und geschlossene Immobilienfonds und ihre internationalen Pendants【電子書籍】[ Matthias Mager ]

<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 1,3, Hochschule f?r Wirtschaft und Umwelt N?rtingen-Geislingen; Standort Hofgut Tachenhausen, 29 Quellen im ...

2,112円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Become an Accelerator Leader Accelerate Yourself, Others, and Your Organization to Maximize Impact【電子書籍】[ Alvin Rohrs ]

Become an Accelerator Leader Accelerate Yourself, Others, and Your Organization to Maximize Impact【電子書籍】[ Alvin Rohrs ]

<p>Fighter pilots experience the fastest acceleration on earth. However, during training, the expression, “that pilot is all thrust and no vector,” can be heard. It describes a pilot who is going nowh...

1,174円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Standout 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work STANDOUT 20 [ Marcus Buckingham ]

Standout 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work STANDOUT 20 [ Marcus Buckingham ]

STANDOUT 20 Marcus Buckingham HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PR2015 Hardcover English ISBN:9781633690745 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics

4,435円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Taurus 2023: Your Personal Horoscope【電子書籍】[ Joseph Polansky ]

Taurus 2023: Your Personal Horoscope【電子書籍】[ Joseph Polansky ]

<p>Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2023. This fantastic and in-depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in t...

321円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Be You & Live Civil: Tools for Unlocking Your Potential & Living Your Purpose【電子書籍】[ Karen Civil ]

Be You & Live Civil: Tools for Unlocking Your Potential & Living Your Purpose【電子書籍】[ Karen Civil ]

<p>To reach the heights Karen Civil has ? CEO and cultural influencer and digital renaissance woman ? she had to first become mentally fit, which wasn’t always easy growing up in Elizabeth, New Jersey...

1,840円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

How to Become a Artificial-breeding Technician How to Become a Artificial-breeding Technician【電子書籍】[ Alexa Lu ]

How to Become a Artificial-breeding Technician How to Become a Artificial-breeding Technician【電子書籍】[ Alexa Lu ]

<p>This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Artificial-breeding Technician. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valu...

616円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

刺蝟行銷學(1)原始碼 掌控客?的原始碼,就能掌控客?的口袋【電子書籍】[ 羅毅 ]

刺蝟行銷學(1)原始碼 掌控客?的原始碼,就能掌控客?的口袋【電子書籍】[ 羅毅 ]

<p><strong>*商周.com百萬超人氣專欄作家【狄驤】真心推薦</strong></p> <p>  所謂的原始碼,是一個從小就被我們自己寫好放在心裡面的長駐程式,包括?的人格傾向,?的價?觀和?對這個世界的看法,全都寫在這個程式裡,等?長大後,這套程式也會決定?是否受人歡迎?</p> <p>  決定?和某些人是敵是友?故事版本會因為?個人的生長環境及人格傾向而有所不同,也會因為?所處的位置...

1,227円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Die Hawaii-Inseln (mit Bezug auf den Tourismus)【電子書籍】[ Sara Sch?tze ]

Die Hawaii-Inseln (mit Bezug auf den Tourismus)【電子書籍】[ Sara Sch?tze ]

<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Touristik / Tourismus, Note: 1,3, Euro-Business-College Jena, 15 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Hawaii gilt seit Jahren ...

1,549円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Reinventar-se【電子書籍】[ Mario Alonso Puig ]

Reinventar-se【電子書籍】[ Mario Alonso Puig ]

<p><strong>El best seller de Mario Alonso Puig ara en catal?.</strong></p> <p>Qu? t'arriscaries a fer si sabessis que no pots fallar?</p> <p>A l'Oracle de Delfos, a l'entrada del temple d'Apol・lo, a l...

1,100円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Lassen Sie Ihr Hirn nicht unbeaufsichtigt! Gebrauchsanweisung f?r Ihren Kopf【電子書籍】[ Christiane Stenger ]

Lassen Sie Ihr Hirn nicht unbeaufsichtigt! Gebrauchsanweisung f?r Ihren Kopf【電子書籍】[ Christiane Stenger ]

<p>Das ?berfliegerbuch<br /> Unser Gehirn - das unbekannte Wesen? Nicht nach dem Buch von Christiane Stenger. Die ?berfliegerin f?hrt uns in "Lassen Sie Ihr Hirn nicht unbeaufsichtigt. Gebrauchsanleit...

1,700円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Butterfly Economics A New General Theory of Social and Economic Behavior【電子書籍】[ Paul Ormerod ]

Butterfly Economics A New General Theory of Social and Economic Behavior【電子書籍】[ Paul Ormerod ]

<p>Why did VHS, an inferior video recording technology, succeed in the marketplace, driving the superior Betamax out of business? Why do big-budget, acclaimed movies sometimes flop at the box office, ...

983円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

??真?:我?要如何??工作【電子書籍】[ 薛毅然 ]

??真?:我?要如何??工作【電子書籍】[ 薛毅然 ]

<p>本?是一本?存在??困惑、面?个人???展困境的??人提供客?思考的??集。 通???的形式,?舒?与人才?展?家?家薛毅然??当代年?人面?的?????展困境、??与??方式?行了梳理。内容?及??理想与??、???趣与??力、????的偏?、??中的“站?”??与?通方式、留在大城市?是回家?、??PUA与??情?管理、自由??的??、??与个人幸福感的?系等等。 在???程中,薛毅然?...

928円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

O zool?gico em voc?【電子書籍】[ Brad Klontz ]

O zool?gico em voc?【電子書籍】[ Brad Klontz ]

<p>Imagine um lugar muito pequeno, semelhante a uma jaula onde est?o tr?s criaturas: um crocodilo, um macaco e um cientista. Seu c?rebro ? formado por tr?s sistemas distintos e interligados que reagem...

300円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Peace Mode: Unlocking Mindful Living in a Chaotic World【電子書籍】[ Nafeez Imtiaz ]

Peace Mode: Unlocking Mindful Living in a Chaotic World【電子書籍】[ Nafeez Imtiaz ]

<p>In a world that never stops moving, where chaos seems to reign and distractions pull us in every direction, finding peace can feel impossible. Peace Mode: Unlocking Mindful Living in a Chaotic Worl...

1,150円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

La communication et la gestion, 3e ?dition【電子書籍】[ Solange Cormier ]

La communication et la gestion, 3e ?dition【電子書籍】[ Solange Cormier ]

<p>Si la qualit? des communications est essentielle dans la vie priv?e, elle l’est tout autant dans le monde du travail. La communication et la gestion, ouvrage de r?f?rence sur la communication en si...

3,400円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

School Health And Nutrition Services A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ]

School Health And Nutrition Services A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ]

<p>What is a worst-case scenario for losses? What resources or support might you need? What are the timeframes required to resolve each of the issues/problems? How can you become the company that woul...

6,818円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

系統思考實作篇:一眼看清規律背後的結構和邏輯,解決現實世界中的複雜問題 Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking【電子書籍】[ 丹尼斯?舍伍徳 ]

系統思考實作篇:一眼看清規律背後的結構和邏輯,解決現實世界中的複雜問題 Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking【電子書籍】[ 丹尼斯?舍伍徳 ]

<p>學習型組織必備讀本</p> <p>如果?看過《系統思考》、《第五項修練》,</p> <p>千萬不要錯過這本書!</p> <p>以系統思考俯瞰整體、突破框架,</p> <p>進而做出決定、邁向成功!</p> <p>  員工流動率為什麼居高不下?</p> <p>  ?天面對一大堆找不到原因的問題?</p> <p>  一再錯失讓公司成長的機會?</p> <p>  面對變化快速的環境,為了能了解全貌...

1,916円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

RESUMO - Bullshit Jobs / Empregos da treta: Uma Teoria Por David Graeber【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ]

RESUMO - Bullshit Jobs / Empregos da treta: Uma Teoria Por David Graeber【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ]

<p>Ao ler este resumo, o senhor descobrir? o que s?o "empregos est?pidos" e suas conseq??ncias para os trabalhadores e para o mercado de trabalho.</p> <p>O senhor tamb?m vai descobrir :</p> <p>como re...

906円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Jos? Silva's Choose Success Master Course Unleash Your Genius Mind Original Edition【電子書籍】[ Jos? Silva ]

Jos? Silva's Choose Success Master Course Unleash Your Genius Mind Original Edition【電子書籍】[ Jos? Silva ]

<p><strong>The greatest discovery you'll ever make...is the power of your own mind.</strong></p> <p>Einstein claimed that he used only 10 percent of his mind, and the general public uses only about th...

2,023円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Cisco Certification - Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success【電子書籍】[ Gerard Blokdijk ]

Cisco Certification - Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success【電子書籍】[ Gerard Blokdijk ]

<p>The one-stop-source powering Cisco Certification success, jam-packed with ready to use insights for results, loaded with all the data you need to decide how to gain and move ahead.</p> <p>Based on ...

3,376円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

25 Universal Laws That create love, peace, joy and abundance【電子書籍】[ Nicole Bayliss ]

25 Universal Laws That create love, peace, joy and abundance【電子書籍】[ Nicole Bayliss ]

<p>This book is a small and simple book, yet it contains information that is powerful; so powerful that it can change every aspect of your life and how you perceive the world. These are the Universal ...

859円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

Solitude and the Manifestations of the Solitary Characters in Selected Short Stories: An Interdisciplinary Study【電子書籍】[ Najat Ismael Sayakhan ]

Solitude and the Manifestations of the Solitary Characters in Selected Short Stories: An Interdisciplinary Study【電子書籍】[ Najat Ismael Sayakhan ]

<p>Solitude is the state of being alone or isolated from others. It is often a voluntary choice for meditation, introspection, reflection, or simply enjoying one’s own company. Solitude can be peacefu...

674円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

El Libro de Prueba del Eneagrama: Una Gu?a pr?ctica para el Autodescubrimiento y la Autorrealizaci?n para Mejorar las Relaciones y Llevar una Vida Mejor: Libro 2【電子書籍】[ Carly Greene ]

El Libro de Prueba del Eneagrama: Una Gu?a pr?ctica para el Autodescubrimiento y la Autorrealizaci?n para Mejorar las Relaciones y Llevar una Vida Mejor: Libro 2【電子書籍】[ Carly Greene ]

<p>?Convi?rtete en la mejor versi?n de ti mismo y aprende c?mo convertirte en un mejor aliado para tus seres queridos usando esta gu?a completa del Eneagrama!</p> <p><strong>Muchas veces</strong>, vem...

550円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

The Creative Community Builder's Handbook How to Transform Communities Using Local Assets, Arts, and Culture【電子書籍】[ Tom Borrup ]

The Creative Community Builder's Handbook How to Transform Communities Using Local Assets, Arts, and Culture【電子書籍】[ Tom Borrup ]

<p>Put the power of arts and culture to work in your community Part 1 of this unique guide distills research and emerging ideas behind culturally driven community development and explains key underlyi...

5,401円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)

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