Dear The Future Mama A Survival Guide to Lovely Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood【電子書籍】[ Anthony White ]

Dear The Future Mama A Survival Guide to Lovely Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood【電子書籍】[ Anthony White ]

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<p>The genuine conversation you desire about pregnancy, delivery, body image, and the newborn days from Anthony White.</p> <p>Pregnancy and parenting are marvels, yet even a miracle may stress you out occasionally. Everyone has an opinion on what an expecting woman should feel, think, or do throughout her pregnancy, and it's impossible not to feel overwhelmed with app alerts, well-meaning queries, and unwanted advice that comes from friends, family, and strangers.</p> <p>A Survival guide to the good, bad, pregnancy, and birthing tips regarding anything from ovulation apps to unexpected hair growth.</p> <p>Dear The Future Mama is a Sincere and lighthearted guide for expectant mamas into motherhood.</p> <p>The book is also about body image, mental health and negotiating a professional path as a new mother.</p> <p>Permission to discover the appropriate route for you disregarding the judgment of others and liberating yourself from the fluctuating ideals of parenting.</p> <p>This book provi...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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