In The Zone and Beyond A Book "out of this world"【電子書籍】[ craig lock ]

In The Zone and Beyond A Book

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<p>Racing (and Writing) in the Zone<br /> “There are only three sports: bullfighting, mountain climbing and motor racing; all the rest are merely games.”<br /> ? Ernest Hemingway</p> <p>Tags (key words): the Zone, motor racing, Formula 1, champions, writing, the writing journey, spirit<br /> “The best feeling is when everything is ‘natural’ and things just work. It doesn’t happen all the time, just on certain special occasions.”<br /> Writing in the Zone: Thoughts on the Writing Journey<br /> <em>“This happens when finding the right words is no longer a struggle. Words simply flow into your head faster than you can write them down (or press the keyboard). You read what you have just written and say: ‘Bloody hell. That’s good. Did I really write that? Wonder where all that came from’.”</em></p> <p><em>“People talk about the Zone as a very outward thing, but it’s not”. It’s very spiritual. To me, the Zone is when you’re operating at the intuitive level;. You’re not thinking about it, so ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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