Trigger【電子書籍】[ Carol Jean ]

Trigger【電子書籍】[ Carol Jean ]

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<p>Judy Mason doesn't want to be who she is now. She wants to be who she was before Steven Harter and before Simon Perry. She wants to be at her company full of ideas and energy and hope. When she was her, before she gave herself away to Steven and then to Simon, she was strong and vibrant and her step was sure and steady. She used to spit fire and face down lions unafraid and confident she’d win. They made her weak and dependent. They destroyed who she was and then left her -- broken, alone, shallow and empty.<br /> There are all kinds of triggers. The most dangerous isn't the one on a gun. It’s the sore spot in your heart, irrational logic flaming your mind, or unjustifiable cruelty shattering your soul that makes you pull the trigger of a gun.<br /> Judy was sixteen when her mother was beaten to death by her Dad and brothers. She's been on her own and running from them ever since. The only way to survive was to become stronger, faster and more skilled than anyone who threatened her....楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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