mash Mash Book【電子書籍】[ leeanne s flannery ]

mash Mash Book【電子書籍】[ leeanne s flannery ]

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<p>If you are eighteen years old and still do not have a lover while your friends, around you, everyone has them, what should you do? The answer is that you just need to be yourself, and your prince will appear. But the prince doesn't have to ride a white horse, have a lavish castle and look like a "marshal" but just be someone who always considers you their princess. It's just that sometimes we don't know it, but we just pass each other, rush past each other and end up regretting it.</p> <p>_ _ _ _ _</p> <p># E team unite.</p> <p>Duong Hinh: "Hey, someone just sent me a message on Instagram."</p> <p>Tran Ha: “Who? Send what?"</p> <p>Kieu Vi: "Send what?"</p> <p>Tran Ha: "Tell me quickly."</p> <p>Tang Hinh: “Ah… slowly let me tell.”</p> <p>Duong Hinh sighed, fortunately now the three of them only talk online or the other two will ask if she can't speak for another hour.</p> <p>Duong Hinh: "The story is that Instagram recently sent messages to each other, and then suddenly there was an ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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