Christmas Travel Guide to Paris Paris Illuminated: Discover the Exquisite Charms of Christmas in the City of Love"【電子書籍】[ Smart Newton ]

Christmas Travel Guide to Paris Paris Illuminated: Discover the Exquisite Charms of Christmas in the City of Love

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<p>Experience the magic of Christmas like never before with "Paris Illuminated," your ultimate travel companion for the holiday season in the enchanting City of Love. From twinkling lights to festive markets, Paris transforms into a winter wonderland, and this guide is your key to unlocking its most exquisite charms.</p> <p>Dive into a world where the Champs-Elys?es glows with holiday cheer, Notre-Dame hosts enchanting Christmas markets, and Galeries Lafayette dazzles with stunning festive displays. Whether you're ice skating beneath the Eiffel Tower, savoring a traditional French Christmas dinner, or attending a midnight mass at Sacr?-C?ur, "Paris Illuminated" ensures you don't miss a single magical moment.</p> <p>Imagine strolling through Parisian streets adorned with sparkling decorations, sipping hot chocolate at cozy cafes, and discovering hidden gems that only locals know about. This guide provides expert tips on the best time to visit, how to navigate the city, and what to pack ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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