335円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)
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<p>This book will help couples (or individuals) who are facing healing the effects of the wounds of childhood sexual abuse on their relationships. It provides both the survivor and the partner an in-depth understanding of the factors affecting each of them and offers a clear guide to working through the necessary steps and issues for healing.</p> <p>A helpful guide for individuals, couples and for therapists facing theses issues.<br /> Topics covered include:<br /> ACCEPTING THE JOURNEY How to Recognize the Victim, Understand the Survivor, And Become the Thriver.<br /> Understanding the Journey Toward Wholeness<br /> DISCOVERING AND IDENTIFYING THE ABUSE: Effects on the Couple<br /> THE STRUGGLE WITH DENIAL: Breaking through Denial<br /> RUNNING AWAY BEHAVIOR: The Quest for Safety<br /> COPING WITH ANGER<br /> GRIEF: Healing the Losses for each person<br /> HOW TO HANDLE SEX:: The Dilemma of Intimacy<br /> WHO IS THE VICTIM? The Victimization of the Partner<br /> HINTS FOR COUPLES IN T...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る