Dust from Stars Star Reacher: A Rock Star Romance, #3【電子書籍】[ Pamela L Seay ]

Dust from Stars Star Reacher: A Rock Star Romance, #3【電子書籍】[ Pamela L Seay ]

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<p>Sam and Lexi are at the pinnacle of rock star royalty.</p> <p>But, their journey continues. Because reaching the top is one battle, yet staying at the top poses</p> <p>its own challenges.</p> <p>Now a mother, Sam must cope with the realities of being the wife of the most sought after iconic</p> <p>rock star, Sasha. While she enjoys the spoils of her marriage, competition is fierce as many do</p> <p>their best to take her crown. Can she hold on? Or, will she be left in the dust of the aftermath of</p> <p>stardom.</p> <p>Lexi is facing her own issues with Sasha as she is adjusting to life in the shadows. And, now</p> <p>having to face off with a younger women who want the spot of top mistress, she must find a way</p> <p>to survive this threat and reach her goals as a successful songwriter.</p> <p>Can they hold onto their positions now that they have touched the brightest star? Or, will they</p> <p>lose their grasp and be left behind in the stardust falling back into darkness.</p>画面が切り...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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