Shores & Falls: Traveling Iceland's Ring Road【電子書籍】[ Virginia Mueller ]

Shores & Falls: Traveling Iceland's Ring Road【電子書籍】[ Virginia Mueller ]

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<p><strong>Come on a journey around Iceland, from NASA training sites to jaw-dropping waterfalls to capturing the Northern Lights.</strong></p> <p>Iceland may be known for its glaciers and volcanoes, but it's also the world's youngest country (geographically) and home of the world's longest-running Parliament (though admittedly it has gone through a few changes). Virginia Mueller sets out to circle the island nation, hunting auroras on the south shore and marveling at waterfalls on the north. She learns how to photograph auroras, walks in the footsteps of NASA, and samples whale meat while learning about Iceland culture and history. At the same time, Mueller deals with a collision of heteronormative norms and her asexual identity.</p> <p>Shores & Falls puts you directly on the tour bus and in Mueller's mind ? learning everything there is about Iceland while delving into the bonds of womanhood: sisters, parents, and partners. Part travelogue, part guidebook ? complete with restaurant, a...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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