Miles to Go An African Family in Search of America along Route 66【電子書籍】[ Brennen Matthews ]

Miles to Go An African Family in Search of America along Route 66【電子書籍】[ Brennen Matthews ]

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<p><em>Miles to Go</em> is the story of a family from Africa in search of authentic America along the country’s most famous highway, Route 66. Traveling the scenic byway from Illinois to California, they come across a fascinating assortment of historical landmarks, partake in quirky roadside attractions, and meet more than a few colorful characters.</p> <p>Brennen Matthews, along with his wife and their son, come face-to-face with real America in all of its strange beauty and complicated history as the family explores what many consider to be the pulse of a nation. Their unique perspective on the Main Street of America develops into a true appreciation for what makes America so special. By joining Matthews and his family on their cross-country adventure, readers not only experience firsthand the sights and sounds of the road, but they are also given the opportunity to reflect on American culture and its varied landscapes. <em>Miles to Go</em> is not just a travel story but a tale of ho...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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