Magic and Mayhem The Delusions of American Foreign Policy from Korea to Afghanistan【電子書籍】[ Derek Leebaert ]

Magic and Mayhem The Delusions of American Foreign Policy from Korea to Afghanistan【電子書籍】[ Derek Leebaert ]

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<p><strong>AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ</strong> are the latest in a string of blunders that includes Vietnam and an unintended war with China from 1950 to ’53, those four fiascoes being just the worst moments in nearly a lifetime of false urgencies, intelligence failures, grandiose designs, and stereotyping of enemies and allies alike. America brought down the Soviet empire at the cold war’s most dangerous juncture, but even that victory was surrounded by myths, such as the conviction that we can easily shape the destinies of other people.</p> <p><em>Magic and Mayhem</em> is a strikingly original, closely informed investigation of two generations of America’s avoidable failures. In a perfectly timed narrative, Derek Leebaert reveals the common threads in these serial letdowns and in the consequences that await. He demonstrates why the most enterprising and innovative nation in history keeps mishandling its gravest politico-military dealings abroad and why well-credentialed men and women, deem...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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