So Loved Finding your place in God's epic love story【電子書籍】[ John Bolin ]

So Loved Finding your place in God's epic love story【電子書籍】[ John Bolin ]

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<p>Discover your story in God's story.</p> <p>A good story stirs the soul at the deepest level because it is a reflection of the much bigger story of God. God's story is all at once mysterious, adventurous, tragic, and wonderful. It is the most epic narrative ever told. And the author wants to invite you into it. So Loved will take you on a journey through the story of God, from creation to the early church. As a storyteller, John Bolin brings new life to both familiar and obscure stories and characters of the Bible in a way that is heartwarming, authentic, and deeply moving.</p> <p>Written in fifty easy-to-read episodes, the devotional-style book will resonate with believers and seekers who want to go deeper in their faith and discover how their story fits in with God's bigger story.</p> <p><em>So Loved</em> is the perfect companion book for anyone attending The Thorn theatrical performance or for those looking to find their place in this world. In God's story and in the story He has ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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