The Self-Propelled Voyager How the Cycle Revolutionized Travel【電子書籍】[ Duncan R. Jamieson ]

The Self-Propelled Voyager How the Cycle Revolutionized Travel【電子書籍】[ Duncan R. Jamieson ]

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<p>Before the last quarter of the nineteenth century, people who wanted to travel independently either walked or rode horses. Then a newly invented machine changed forever the nature of personal transportation. The cycleーself-propelled bicycles, tricycles, and tandemsーallowed almost anyone to travel around town, around their region, and around the world. While dramatic developments in equipment, clothing, road surfaces, and amenities make the physicality of cycling much different from the earlier era, the experience of cycling has seen little change.</p> <p>The Self-Propelled Voyager: How the Cycle Revolutionized Travel recounts how a transportation innovation opened the world for not only those who made the journey but also for the armchair travelers who read with interest the cyclists’ accounts of faraway places. Following a brief history of the development of the cycle, this book describes the exploits of long-distance riders who wrote of their experiences, their triumphs, and their...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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