1,290円(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)
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<p>Are you separated or thinking about separating?</p> <p>Does the thought of sharing that information with your kids leave you feeling a bit freaked out?</p> <p>It's very hard to tell your kids that you are getting a divorce. It's even harder if you and your ex differ about what happened. And then there's the question of when you should tell them and what exactly you should tell them.</p> <p>Whether you have the opportunity to follow an amicable pathway or you find yourself in an adversarial situation, Bron O'Loan shows you how to support your kids through the process by talking to them and understanding their needs. <em>The Splits</em> is a guide to helping your children through a family separation, and your ticket to a better and more</p> <p>positive life.</p> <p><em>The Splits</em> will help you to:</p> <ul> <li>Move to a place where you can love your life again</li> <li>Find the confidence to have helpful conversations about divorce with your kids</li> <li>Get past the ups and dow...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る