Downshifting How to Work Less and Enjoy Life More【電子書籍】[ John D. Drake ]

Downshifting How to Work Less and Enjoy Life More【電子書籍】[ John D. Drake ]

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<p>Who has never wished to step off the ever-accelerating treadmill of work, just to gain some kind of balance in life? Downshifting is a practical, hands-on guide that actually shows how to move from the fast track to a more satisfying, healthier, less work-focused lifestyle. John Drake, himself a former high-level executive who chose to downshift, details a wide range of realistic, doable alternatives to a work-dominated life. He guides readers through all they need to know and do to make a good living, yet find more free time for themselves and those they care most about. Organized by level of risk-from such low-risk steps as simply changing work style to bold actions, such as flextime, lateral or downward moves, and shortened work weeks-this book is the first to really show how to put specific downshifting options into action. Using real-life stories of people who have successfully downshifted, Drake reveals how to get past the wistful dreaming and hand-wringing stages to taking de...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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