The Poems of Browning: Volume Three 1846 - 1861【電子書籍】

The Poems of Browning: Volume Three 1846 - 1861【電子書籍】

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<p><em>The Poems of Browning</em></p> <p>is a multi-volume edition of the poetry of Robert Browning (1812 -1889) resulting from a completely fresh appraisal of the canon, text and context of his work. The poems are presented in the order of their composition and in the text in which they were first published, giving a unique insight into the origins and development of Browning's art. Annotations and headnotes, in keeping with the traditions of Longman Annotated English Poets, are full and informative and provide details of composition, publication, sources and contemporary reception.</p> <p>Volumes one (1826-1840) and two (1841-1846) presented the poems from his early years up to his marriage to Elizabeth Barrett, including the dramatic poem <em>Paracelsus</em> (1835), which first brought him to wide attention, and <em>Sordello</em> (1840), which confirmed him as a poet of ambition and imagination.</p> <p>Volume three (1847-1861) of <em>The Poems of Browning</em> covers the years of Br...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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