How to Install Air Ride Suspension Systems【電子書籍】[ Kevin Whipps ]

How to Install Air Ride Suspension Systems【電子書籍】[ Kevin Whipps ]

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<p>Learn everything there is to know about how to install a versatile and capable air ride system.</p> <p>Air suspension used to be expensive, difficult to install, and complex to understand. However, that was years ago. Today, thanks to kits made for virtually every make and model of car and truck, plus the popularization of automatic levelling kits, it’s easier than ever to take a vehicle and put it on the ground. With properly installed air ride suspension, you can set the height wherever you like, lay your ride on the asphalt when you want, and even tear through the corners like you’re driving a slot car. However, here’s the most important part: it’s just cool.</p> <p>Having an airbagged vehicle isn’t restricted to one vehicle class or another. While it originally became popular with mini trucks, it soon caught on with street rods, cars, and motorcycles, and even traditional lowriders have embraced the scene. That’s because where previous adjustable suspensions had their problems, ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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