Summary of Wild by Cheryl Strayed | Includes Analysis【電子書籍】[ Instaread Summaries ]

Summary of Wild by Cheryl Strayed | Includes Analysis【電子書籍】[ Instaread Summaries ]

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<p><strong>Summary of Wild by Cheryl Strayed | includes Analysis</strong></p> <p><strong>Preview:</strong></p> <p><em>Wild</em> chronicles Cheryl Strayed’s adventure of self-discovery in the wilderness. The books begins thirty-eight days into her three-month odyssey on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Her too-tight boots were destroying her feet. After accidentally knocking one off a mountainside, she tossed the other away. In this way, they become symbols for her former life that hemmed her in.</p> <p>A free spirit, Strayed’s mother, Bobbi, raised her kids in a series of cheap apartments, then in a primitive house without running water in the Minnesota woods. Bobbi was so close to Strayed that they went to college together.</p> <p>Strayed’s world fell apart when her mother, Bobbi, was diagnosed with lung cancer and died within weeks. In her grief, Strayed pulled away from her sister, brother, stepfather, and husband, Paul. Without her mother, she was not sure who she was.</p> <p>Nearly ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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