Frankfurt Travel Guide 2024 Best Things to do in Frankfurt, Germany with Custom Itineraries: Detailed Plans & images, Money Saving Tips, Local Suggestions on What to See and Do in Frankfurt.【電子書籍】[ Nellie C. Phillips ]

Frankfurt Travel Guide 2024 Best Things to do in Frankfurt, Germany with Custom Itineraries: Detailed Plans & images, Money Saving Tips, Local Suggestions on What to See and Do in Frankfurt.【電子書籍】[ Nellie C. Phillips ]

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<p><strong>Want</strong> <strong>a</strong> <strong>city</strong> <strong>break</strong> <strong>like</strong> <strong>no</strong> <strong>other</strong>?</p> <p>Dive into Frankfurt, a city that is a fascinating mix of ancient charm, business acumen, and artistic flair. This interesting trip book opens:</p> <p>Rich History: Visit the charming Old Town streets, the stunning churches, and the famous R?merberg, which is where kings used to be crowned.</p> <p>Museum Magic: Visit world-class museums that show art, history, and even sausages in "Museum Magic."</p> <p>Foodie Paradise: Enjoy hearty local food, drink real apple wine in a cozy Ebbelwoi pub, or savor Michelin-starred treats.</p> <p>Discover secret gems, walk along the beautiful Main River, and visit lovely nearby towns with ease.</p> <p>This important guide gives you the opportunity to:</p> <p>Plan the perfect trip, from learning about history to visiting several art galleries.</p> <p>Get around easily, by taking the subway or wa...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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