100 Things to Do in Cleveland Before You Die【電子書籍】[ Nikki Delamotte ]

100 Things to Do in Cleveland Before You Die【電子書籍】[ Nikki Delamotte ]

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<p><strong>Cleveland</strong> is a city on the rise. As a melting pot of arts and culture, a foodie paradise, and home to lush green space along Lake Erie, the world is catching on. Consider <em>100 Things to Do in Cleveland Before You Die</em> your insider’s guide to the city everyone is talking about. From sports fanatic to theater lover, there’s something here for everyone. So stroll thought the sprawling Cleveland Cultural Gardens, visit the birthplace of Superman and dance through the streets to the tune of Cleveland-style polka on Dyngus Day. But don’t forget to work up an appetite at Superelectric Pinball Parlor before you fill up on hot dogs topped with Froot Loops at Happy Dog while the world-renowned Cleveland Orchestra plays. <em>100 Things to Do in Cleveland Before You Die</em> is a fun for the whole family look at how to experience the rock and roll capital, from the rich in history to the delightfully quirky.</p> <p><span><strong>Nikki Delamotte</strong> is a freelance jo...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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