A Female Guide to Solo Travel Discover Your Eat Pray Love【電子書籍】[ Lisa Imogen Eldridge ]

A Female Guide to Solo Travel Discover Your Eat Pray Love【電子書籍】[ Lisa Imogen Eldridge ]

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<p>Are you ready to travel solo?</p> <p>There has never been a better time to travel solo and whether you are planning your very first trip, are a seasoned solo or a solo pro, A Female Guide To Solo Travel is the travel companion you shouldn’t leave home without.</p> <p>Empowering and inspiring, this book will dispel any travel myths you have about going solo and help you to overcome any roadblocks that are blocking your path to your dream trip.</p> <p>Divided into three easy sections: Why Travel Solo, Plan Your Trip and On The Road, including a bonus section on dealing with the post-travel blues when you return home, this book covers everything from finding the best country for you to travel to, to what to pack and how to get around when you’re there. And there’s a handy daily budget planner for taking care of your money on the road.</p> <p>There are useful website links for each country and plenty of special offers to save you money too!</p> <p>Plus 10% of all profits from each book ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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