Memories from Antarctica Book 5【電子書籍】[ John Patterson ]

Memories from Antarctica Book 5【電子書籍】[ John Patterson ]

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<p>Memories from Antarctic Book 5: This picture book is a record of a part of a cruise from South America to the Antarctic Peninsula: as far south as the Antarctic Circle. It is one of 5 such books covering the trip south and then north. Starting with a last view of Paradise Harbour, it shows the trip along Graham Land and continues to the Argentine Antarctic base Almirante Brown. Here we stepped onto land, the actual Antarctic Peninsula. An inflatable boat trip took us to the edge of a glacier where some ice eventually fell off, creating a slightly worrying wave. Onto the partially flooded caldera of Deception Island, then to Livingstone Island and a noisy penguin colony, seabirds and elephant seals, before heading back to Ushuaia past Cape Horn and into the Beagle Channel. It provides some insight into what could be seen on such a typical trip. Each photograph has an adjoining page with a brief explanation. It is meant to show what an average person could see on such a cruise: good w...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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