Let's Go Budget Athens The Student Travel Guide【電子書籍】[ Harvard Student Agencies, Inc. ]

Let's Go Budget Athens The Student Travel Guide【電子書籍】[ Harvard Student Agencies, Inc. ]

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<p><em>Let's Go Budget Athens</em> is a budget traveler's ticket to getting the most out of a trip to Greece-without breaking the bank. Whether you want to comb through Acropolis Museum's impressive collection of ancient artifacts, take a day trip to World Heritage Site Delos, party until dawn on Mykonos and the red-sand beaches of the Cyclades, this slim, easy-to-carry guide is packed with dollar-saving information to help you make every penny count. <em>Let's Go Budget Athens</em> also includes neighborhood maps to help you get oriented, plus eight pages' worth of color photos to whet your appetite for sightseeing. From how to get discount tickets for museums, performances, and public transportation to where to find cheap eats and affordable accommodations, <em>Let's Go Budget Athens</em> has got you covered-and it's small enough to fit in your back pocket.</p> <p>Let's Go Budget Guides are for travelers who want to spend less but have more fun, students with more time than money, an...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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