Building the St. Helena II Rebirth of a Nineteenth-Century Canal Boat【電子書籍】[ Carroll Gantz ]

Building the St. Helena II Rebirth of a Nineteenth-Century Canal Boat【電子書籍】[ Carroll Gantz ]

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<p><em>Building the</em> St. Helena II tells the story of the 1970 reconstruction of an authentic, operational 1825 canal boat. The narrative unfolds in the small village of Canal Fulton, Ohio, along the surviving one- mile section of the 333-mile Ohio & Erie Canal, which in the 1820s connected the new nation’s western frontier to the thriving coastal states. Canal Fulton was at the leading edge of a national environmental movement to reclaim, restore, and reuse historic U.S. canals for education and recreation.</p> <p>Author Carroll Gantz describes how canals penetrated the wilderness and became the nation’s first interstate transportation systemーtransforming the Northeast and Midwest from an agrarian to an industrial societyーand how the construction of the 4,700 mile network of man-made waterways attracted settlers inland. In Ohio, the canals transformed the state from a wild, western territory into a productive and prosperous business region. Canals were soon replaced by railroads, ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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