Martin Luther and the Jewish People eBook【電子書籍】[ Neelak S Tjernagel ]

Martin Luther and the Jewish People eBook【電子書籍】[ Neelak S Tjernagel ]

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<p>This book is a thorough study of Martin Luther and what he wrote about the Jewish people.Martin Luther' s treatment of Jewish people, as well as his writings about them is a subject of frequent but often false portrayals. Martin Luther and the Jewish People takes a close and balanced look at Luther the manー failings and shortcomings and allー the context of his writings, and the times in which he wrote.Originally published in 1985, the author strongly dispels the 20th Century distortions of Luther' s alleged role in modern anti-Semitism. It still applies and is helpful to the 21st Century reader as well.From the author:“ It is not strange, therefore, that among Luther' s writings his diatribes against the Jews should be the occasion for offense in the eyes of the contemporary world. We feel no compulsion, however, either to condemn or to condone Luther' s outbursts. But we do have the obligation to try to understand the historical setting, the conventions of his time, and the basic m...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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