Correspondence, 1939 - 1969【電子書籍】[ Theodor W. Adorno ]

Correspondence, 1939 - 1969【電子書籍】[ Theodor W. Adorno ]

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<p>At first glance, Theodor W. Adorno’s critical social theory and Gershom Scholem’s scholarship of Jewish mysticism could not seem farther removed from one another. To begin with, they also harbored a mutual hostility. But their first conversations in 1938 New York were the impetus for a profound intellectual friendship that lasted thirty years and produced more than 220 letters. These letters discuss the broadest range of topics in philosophy, religion, history, politics, literature, and the arts ? as well as the life and the work of Adorno and Scholem’s mutual friend Walter Benjamin.</p> <p>Unfolding with the dramatic tension of a historic novel, the correspondence tells the story of these two intellectuals who faced tragedy, destruction, and loss, but also participated in the efforts to reestablish a just and dignified society after World War II. Scholem immigrated to Palestine before the war and developed his pioneering scholarship of Jewish mysticism before and during the problem...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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