The World, The Flesh and the Devil The Life and Opinions of Samuel Marsden in England and the Antipodes, 1765?1838【電子書籍】[ Andrew Sharp ]

The World, The Flesh and the Devil The Life and Opinions of Samuel Marsden in England and the Antipodes, 1765?1838【電子書籍】[ Andrew Sharp ]

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<p>New Zealanders know Samuel Marsden as the founder of the CMS missions that brought Christianity (and perhaps sheep) to New Zealand. Australians know him as ‘the flogging parson' who established large landholdings and was dismissed from his position as magistrate for exceeding his jurisdiction. English readers know of Marsden for his key role in the history of missions and empire. In this major biography spanning research, and the subject's life, across England, New South Wales and New Zealand, Andrew Sharp tells the story of Marsden's life from the inside. Sharp focuses on revealing to modern readers the powerful evangelical lens through which Marsden understood the world. By diving deeply into key moments ? the voyage out, the disputes with Macquarie, the founding of missions ? Sharp gets us to reimagine the world as Marsden saw it: always under threat from the Prince of Darkness, in need of ‘a bold reprover of vice', a world written in the words of the King James Bible. Andrew Sha...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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