Sport and the New Zealanders A History【電子書籍】[ Greg Ryan ]

Sport and the New Zealanders A History【電子書籍】[ Greg Ryan ]

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<p>A history of New Zealanders and the sports that we have made our own, from the Maori world to today's professional athletes.‘. . . those two mighty products of the land, the Canterbury lamb and the All Blacks, have made New Zealand what she is in spite of politicians' claims to the contrary', wrote Dick Brittenden in 1954. ‘For many in New Zealand, prowess at sport replaces the social graces; in the pubs, during the furious session between 5pm and closing time an hour later, the friend of a relative of a horse trainer is a veritable patriarch. No matador in Madrid, no tenor in Turin could be sure of such flattering attention.' As Brittenden suggested, sport has played a central part in the social and cultural history of Aotearoa New Zealand throughout its history. This book tells the story of sport in New Zealand for the first time, from the Maori world to today's professional athletes. Through rugby and netball, bodybuilding and surf lifesaving, the book introduces readers to the h...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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