Regulation and the Reagan Era Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest【電子書籍】[ Roger E. Meiners ]

Regulation and the Reagan Era Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest【電子書籍】[ Roger E. Meiners ]

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<p>Was the so-called “Reagan Revolution” a disappointment regarding the federal systems of special-interest regulation? Many of that administration's friends as well as its opponents think so. But under what criteria? To what extent? And why? When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, the popular belief was that the size of government would be cut and that some of the regulatory excesses of the prior decade would be rolled back. However, the growth of the federal government continued throughout the Reagan presidency and no agencies were phased out.</p> <p>What were the apparently powerful forces that rendered most of the bureaucracy impervious to reform? In this book, professional economists and lawyers who were at, or near, the top of the decision-making process in various federal agencies during the Reagan years discuss attempts to reign in the bureaucracy. Their candid comments and personal insights shed new light on the susceptibility of the American government to bureaucratic interes...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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