John Wesley's Doctrine of Justification【電子書籍】[ Mark. K. Olson ]

John Wesley's Doctrine of Justification【電子書籍】[ Mark. K. Olson ]

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<p><em>John Wesley’s Doctrine of Justification</em> provides updated scholarship on this pivotal doctrine of Methodism, providing a deeper understanding of a major tenet of the Christian faith. Mark Olson offers a comprehensive treatment of the development and exposition of Wesley’s doctrine of justification and how it changed throughout Wesley’s life, including his early views rooted in Anglican heritage, the significant developments in Wesley’s career, and contributions from notable figures like John Fletcher to his doctrine of general justification.</p> <p>The doctrine of justification was pivotal to John Wesley’s understanding of a person’s relationship with God. In Wesley’s view, it defined one of the two general parts of salvation. It touched every aspect of the spiritual journey from birth (general justification) to conversion (present justification) to final judgment and glory (final justification). To properly understand Wesley’s via salutis and theology, one needs to grasp th...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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