On Any Given Sunday The Story of Christ in the Divine Service【電子書籍】[ Michael Berg ]

On Any Given Sunday The Story of Christ in the Divine Service【電子書籍】[ Michael Berg ]

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<p>On any given Sunday the Christian approaches Christ who is present in Word and Meal. The songs, movements, and prayers that surround this Word and Meal are called the Divine Service. It is God's (divine) service to us and our proclamation of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection to ourselves and anybody that enters the church on that Sunday.</p> <p>One way to appreciate the traditional divine service is to see the life of Christ on display. The major events in the life of Christ are hinted at or explicitly mentioned in the classic order of service. We rightly plead for God’s mercy when we enter his presence. God’s answer is Christ. Traditionally Christians have sung the Christmas song "Gloria to God in the highest" after pleading, “Lord, have mercy!” With this reminder of Christ’s birth we begin the story of Christ. Soon we wave our palm branches and sing “Hosanna!” on Palm Sunday. We cry the Good Friday prayer, “Lamb of God”. We eat with our resurrected Lord as did the Emmaus disc...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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