The Spiritual Philosophy of Tagore【電子書籍】[ Pranay ]

The Spiritual Philosophy of Tagore【電子書籍】[ Pranay ]

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<p>A MUST-READ SPIRITUAL GUIDE! In the pantheon of both poets and sages, Rabindranath Tagore stands apartー a great literary personality but also a towering beacon of mysticism. His uniqueness comes from a blend of the highest poetic creativity and the deepest mystic spirituality. Tagore' s unique qualities were also evident through the way he seamlessly bridged and unified literature with deep mystic wisdom. His was a poetic vision that led people towards a timeless, ageless truth . . . a truth that lay beyond ordinary definitions. In this invaluable guide, we go beyond the brilliance of Tagore the writer and touch upon Tagore the mystic philosopher. Distilling the power and purpose of Tagore' s beautifully timeless spiritual life and message, this book carries Pranay' s original insights that enumerate the life lessons that are housed in Tagore' s works and words. Lessons that are practical yet sublime, paving the way to truly courageous living.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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