Spirit of Desire Personal Explorations of Sacred Kink【電子書籍】

Spirit of Desire Personal Explorations of Sacred Kink【電子書籍】

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<p>Spirit of Desire features 33 profoundly personal and diverse stories sharing the revelations, power, connections, and pathways explored in Sacred Kink. Some of the authors have been on the road for decades, others for a very short time; some have spoken about their passions before, while others are only now putting pen to page. Whether you are a traveler on the road of sexual expression, a spiritual seeker on a quest for enlightenment, or a curious creature wondering what this is all about, these personal journeys will take your breath away, leave you hot and bothered, and have you pondering the nature of love. A collection of personal stories for practitioners of spiritual kink.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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