All Fall Down【電子書籍】[ Matthew Condon ]

All Fall Down【電子書籍】[ Matthew Condon ]

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<p>Continuing on from the bestselling true crime stories <em>Three Crooked Kings</em> and <em>Jacks and Jokers</em>, <em>All Fall Down</em> follows Terry Lewis as he becomes police commissioner and the era of corruption at the highest levels of the police and government goes on. As the Queensland police become more connected with their corrupt colleagues in Sydney, the era of heavy drugs and crime also begins. Tony Murphy and Glen Hallahan, two of the original “crooked kings,” become more enmeshed with “The Joke” which is run by bagman Jack Herbert. <em>All Fall Down</em> introduces new characters, more extraordinary behavior outside the law by the law, and along the way it charts the meteoric rise of police commissioner Terry Lewis. But with the arrival of the Fitzgerald Inquiry in the late 1980s, many will fallーand it’s not always the people who should. Once again award-winning journalist and novelist Matthew Condon has drawn from unprecedented access to Terry Lewis, as well as hundr...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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