The Profe Files: Social Psychological Perspectives On Power, Pluralism, And Chicano Identity【電子書籍】[ Albert Ramirez ]

The Profe Files: Social Psychological Perspectives On Power, Pluralism, And Chicano Identity【電子書籍】[ Albert Ramirez ]

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<p>"The Profe Files: Social Psychological Perspectives on Power, Pluralism, and Chicano Identity" is a dialogue between two persons, Henry and Profe. Henry is a fictional character, a composite of college students that I have known over the years; a young person with many questions, searching for the answers in a multitude of ways. Profe, to some degree, is also a fictional character, but only to the extent that there is no faculty person at the University of Colorado whom everyone calls "Profe." However, his stories, his published articles that he gives Henry to read, his personal essays - all contained in his filing cabinet that contains "the Profe files" - are that of the present writer. Some of the characters that Profe refers to in these files are real, others are fictional, but representative of students, faculty, and administrators whom I have known over the years.<br /> In this book, Profe utilizes the experiences of the Chicano students and faculty at the University of Colorad...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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