John eBook【電子書籍】[ Gary P Baumler ]

John eBook【電子書籍】[ Gary P Baumler ]

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<p>Who was John in the Bible? Who wrote the book of John?The apostle John refers to himself as the disciple “ whom Jesus loved.” John was one of the inner circle of disciples, together with Peter and Jamesー John' s brother. As he records the ministry of Jesus, the apostle adds many insights not recorded by the other gospels.The book of John in the Bible is a simple and clear statement of God' s grace in Christ, written so that readers like you and me might believe and have life in Jesus, God' s Son.Want to learn more? If you' re wondering what the book of John is all about, this helpful resource is for you!John is a reliable Bible commentary. It' s down to earth, clearly written, easy to read and understand, and filled with practical and modern applications to Scripture.It also includes the complete text of the book of John from the NIV Bible. The Christ-centered commentaries following the Scripture sections contain explanations of the text, historical background, illustrations, and ar...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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