Ayurveda for Beginners: Pitta: The Only Guide You Need to Balance Your Pitta Dosha for Vitality, Joy, and Overall Well-Being!!【電子書籍】[ Rohit Sahu ]

Ayurveda for Beginners: Pitta: The Only Guide You Need to Balance Your Pitta Dosha for Vitality, Joy, and Overall Well-Being!!【電子書籍】[ Rohit Sahu ]

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<p>Discover the Secrets of Harmonizing Your Pitta Dosha!</p> <p>Do you experience hot flashes, stomach acid, and loose bowel movements? Do you tend to be demanding, frustrated, angry, or intense? Is your skin ruddy and prone to rashes and eruptions? Are you often irritable or impatient? Is your hair prematurely gray or thinning? Do you feel discomfort in hot weather? If so, it's a clear sign that you need to balance your Pitta Dosha.</p> <p>Ayurveda, which derives from ancient Vedic scriptures, is a 5,000-year-old medical ideology and philosophy based on the idea that we are all made up of different types of energy.</p> <p>There are three doshas in Ayurveda that describe the dominant state of mind and bodyーVata, Pitta, and Kapha. While all three are present in everyone, Ayurveda suggests that we each have a dominant dosha that is unwavering from birth and ideally an equal (though often fluctuating) balance between the other two. When the doshas are balanced, we are healthy. But when th...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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