Paying the Price The Untold Story of the Iranian Resistance【電子書籍】[ L. Todd Wood ]

Paying the Price The Untold Story of the Iranian Resistance【電子書籍】[ L. Todd Wood ]

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<p><em><strong>"The mess hall was 60×30 meters; it had a stage, from which 12 ropes hung and underneath each rope there was a chair. The groups of prisoners they brought in would rush to jump on the chair; they had very high moral. They would shout, "Hail to the MEK!, before they were executed...</strong></em></p> <p>What if there was a story that had never been told, a story that spanned almost five decades, a story that involved the great conflict between the superpowers, a story that would enchant the reader with great drama, pain, suffering, and resilience, and was literally a story that could change the world? And what if it was all completely true?</p> <p>The People's Mujahadeen of Iran, or Mujuhadeen e Khalk, (PMOI/MEK) are the least understood resistance force in the world, they are also the most-maligned, due to overt campaigns against them by Iran's Mullahs and even the West. Almost no one knows their true story. This is a tale of resistance against the Shah during the 1970s,...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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