The Two-State Dilemma A Game Theory Perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict【電子書籍】[ Michael Dan ]

The Two-State Dilemma A Game Theory Perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict【電子書籍】[ Michael Dan ]

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<p>Can game theory illuminate the options in the Israeli?Palestinian conflict? Michael Dan, a former neurosurgeon, examines the most intractable conflict in the world through the lens of game theory, a mathematical approach to decision-making. The Zionist dream, to create a Jewish state with a Jewish majority in the whole of Palestine, is no longer tenable. But neither is two states for two peoples. What options are left, then? The only thing that's for certain is that both sides must find a way to live together. The aim of this book is to give the knowledgeable reader of Israeli?Palestinian affairs a fresh way to look at an old and seemingly intractable conflict.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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