Shaping the Past Theme, Time and Place in Local History - Essays in Honour of David Dymond【電子書籍】

Shaping the Past Theme, Time and Place in Local History - Essays in Honour of David Dymond【電子書籍】

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<p>Dr David Dymond is a Vice President of the British Association for Local History and of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, President of the Suffolk Records Society, and an honorary fellow of the University of East Anglia. The author of several<br /> valued books about the practice of local history, his contribution to the study of local history generally, and in his adopted county of Suffolk in particular, has been immensely influential. The essays in this Festschrift are offered as a token of esteem and affection by colleagues, friends, and students of David. They consist of new research on aspects of local history from the medieval period to the twentieth century, with a particular focus on Eastern England. Taken together, they illustrate David's philosophy of local history (that it should be ‘wide ranging, inclusive, integrating, and interdisciplinary'). These essays, in turn, aim to reflect the values that have always characterised David's approach: a focus on pri...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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