Ascent to the Good The Reading Order of Plato’s Dialogues from Symposium to Republic【電子書籍】[ William H. F. Altman ]

Ascent to the Good The Reading Order of Plato’s Dialogues from Symposium to Republic【電子書籍】[ William H. F. Altman ]

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<p>At the crisis of his Republic, Plato asks us to imagine what could possibly motivate a philosopher to return to the Cave voluntarily for the benefit of others and at the expense of her own personal happiness. This book shows how Plato has prepared us, his students, to recognize that the sun-like Idea of the Good is an infinitely greater object of serious philosophical concern than what is merely good for me, and thus why neither Plato nor his Socrates are eudaemonists, as Aristotle unquestionably was. With the transcendent Idea of Beauty having been made manifest through Socrates and Diotima, the dialogues between Symposium and RepublicーLysis, Euthydemus, Laches, Charmides, Gorgias, Theages, Meno, and Cleitophonー prepare the reader to make the final leap into Platonism, a soul-stirring idealism that presupposes the student’s inborn awareness that there is nothing just, noble, or beautiful about maximizing one’s own good. While perfectly capable of making the majority of his readers ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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