A Companion to Literary Biography【電子書籍】

A Companion to Literary Biography【電子書籍】

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<p><strong>An authoritative review of literary biography covering the seventeenth century to the twentieth century</strong></p> <p><em>A Companion to Literary Biography</em> offers a comprehensive account of literary biography spanning the history of the genre across three centuries. The editor ? an esteemed literary biographer and noted expert in the field ? has encouraged contributors to explore the theoretical and methodological questions raised by the writing of biographies of writers. The text examines how biographers have dealt with the lives of classic authors from Chaucer to contemporary figures such as Kingsley Amis.</p> <p>The Companion brings a new perspective on how literary biography enables the reader to deal with the relationship between the writer and their work. Literary biography is the most popular form of writing about writing, yet it has been largely neglected in the academic community. This volume bridges the gap between literary biography as a popular genre and i...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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