A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture【電子書籍】

A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture【電子書籍】

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<p><strong>A NEW COMPANION TO VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE</strong></p> <p>The Victorian period was a time of rapid cultural change, which resulted in a huge and varied literary output. <em>A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture</em> offers experienced guidance to the literature of nineteenth-century Britain and its social and historical context. This revised and expanded edition comprises contributions from over 30 leading scholars who, approaching the Victorian epoch from different positions and traditions, delve into the unruly complexities of the Victorian imagination.</p> <p>Divided into five parts, this new <em>Companion</em> surveys seven decades of history before examining the key phases in a Victorian life, the leading professions and walks of life, the major literary genres, the way Victorians defined their persons, homes, and national identity, and how recent “neo-Victorian” developments in contemporary culture reconfigure the sense we make of the past today...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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