By the Grace of God My Life as an African Bishop【電子書籍】[ EBEN KANUKAYI NHIWATIWA ]

By the Grace of God My Life as an African Bishop【電子書籍】[ EBEN KANUKAYI NHIWATIWA ]

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<p><strong>An African bishop shares his story and ministry.</strong></p> <p>Born in the small Zimbabwean village of Gandanzara, Bishop Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa became an inspired and accomplished leader in the church and larger society. Elected as a bishop in The United Methodist Church in 2004, he has guided ministries in Zimbabwe and across Africa and beyond through periods of immense and rapid change.</p> <p>In his book <em>By the Grace of God</em>, the bishop takes the reader through his educational odyssey, winding through Zimbabwe and the United States. He narrates with humor his introduction to the US and its unfamiliar customs. He inspires readers with the story of the remarkable series of events that shaped him as a Christian and bishop.</p> <p>The book provides a succinct master class on the art and science of leadership. Drawing inspiration and insights from an array of literature and astute observation, Nhiwatiwa synthesizes what have been his most important gleanings about ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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