Common Places in Christian Theology A Curated Collection of Essays from Lutheran Quarterly【電子書籍】[ Mark C. Mattes ]

Common Places in Christian Theology A Curated Collection of Essays from Lutheran Quarterly【電子書籍】[ Mark C. Mattes ]

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<p><em>Common Places in Christian Theology</em> invites readers to discover the rich and complex world of Christian theology. Sponsored by the journal <em>Lutheran Quarterly</em> and written by some of the finest contemporary Lutheran theologians, this collection of essays helps Christian teachers understand and explain the grammar and inner logic of faith.</p> <p>Exploring everything from scriptural authority to salvation and justification and the last things, these writers provide a unique and compelling introduction to Lutheran theology. As you receive the essentials of each topic, you will also consider contemporary concerns, whether in theology, or from the natural sciences, social sciences, political theories, or hermeneutics.</p> <p>Whether you are a seasoned preacher looking to sharpen your understanding of faith or a curious Christian seeking to better articulate your relationship with God, <em>Common Places in Christian Theology</em> will challenge and inspire you to think th...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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