Arthur and Lilly The Girl and the Holocaust Survivor【電子書籍】[ Lilly Maier ]

Arthur and Lilly The Girl and the Holocaust Survivor【電子書籍】[ Lilly Maier ]

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<p>What do a 75-year-old Los Angeles based rocket engineer and an eleven-year-old schoolgirl from Austria have in common? Not much at first glance, but Arthur and Lilly influenced each other's lives in a fateful way.</p> <p>In 1939, Arthur's Jewish parents sent their son abroad on a so-called Kindertransport ("children's transport"), hoping to save him from the Holocaust. The separation is a traumatic experience for the ten-year-old. Although he is rescued ? from Austria via France to the United States ? his family is murdered by the Nazis. He never sees them again.</p> <p>Sixty-five years later: During a visit to his parents' former apartment in Vienna, Austria, Arthur Kern meets eleven-year-old Lilly Maier. A decisive encounter for both of them, which not only shapes Lilly's further life but also leads to Arthur receiving a long-lost legacy from his parents.</p> <p>A moving tale of two lives that fatefully cross paths, and an immensely knowledgeable insight into an unknown Holocaust ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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