The Heart of Nonviolent Communication 25 Keys to Shift From Separation to Connection【電子書籍】[ Kristin K. Collier ]

The Heart of Nonviolent Communication 25 Keys to Shift From Separation to Connection【電子書籍】[ Kristin K. Collier ]

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<p>Do you want to learn how to express yourself honestly and compassionately? How to live in choice rather than submit or rebel? These are two of the key distinctions that Marshall B. Rosenberg, the creator of Nonviolent Communication, developed and taught as ways to reveal the consciousness behind his visionary practice. This book invites you into a systematic exploration of these key distinctions. Each chapter provides real-life examples from around the world alongside contributions from brain science research and awareness of power dynamics and systemic conditioning. Key by key, chapter by chapter, you'll collect understandings and practices that will help you see every action and relationship anew.Nonviolent Communication is often introduced as a model with four componentsーobservation, feeling, need, and request. This is just the beginning. At its heart lies a reverence for life based on awareness of interdependence, wholeness, and power-with. With this consciousness, Nonviolent Co...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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