The Roche Limit【電子書籍】[ Jonas Vesterberg ]

The Roche Limit【電子書籍】[ Jonas Vesterberg ]

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<p>Bigoted and demented intelligence operative Bob Faller hates what his beloved America is becoming: A Liberal freak show, where various minorities are challenging the natural, fair and balanced order of things - upheld by the sacrifices of proud, White, All-American men like himself. What makes Bob even more furious: An "African Muslim Communist" could become the next Commander-in-Chief and put an end to all these good, clean, fun wars - perhaps even put Bob and his pals behind bars, just for doing their patriotic duty. But Bob and his boss - the morbidly obese spy master Randall Flesko - soon have bigger things to worry about: Throughout the Middle East, their high value targets are vanishing into thin air - seemingly with the aid of some unknown clandestine unit. Bob senses that America is facing an immense threat. Have the terrorists managed to slip away in order to prepare for another - even more devastating - attack on the Homeland? THE ROCHE LIMIT is a captivating, nightmarish ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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