I Can Do This! RVing where the Moose and the Caribou Play【電子書籍】[ Carl Rohne ]

I Can Do This! RVing where the Moose and the Caribou Play【電子書籍】[ Carl Rohne ]

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<p>I Can Do This! traces the adventures of a newly married senior couple and their world traveler Chihuahua in a very large RV named Regina Victoria (sometimes as imperious as her namesake). The journey takes them through the wilds of Canada and Alaska as far north as the Arctic Ocean, ending eventually in Bagdad by the Bay (San Francisco). Somewhere between Moose Jaw (Canada) and Chicken (Alaska), the author, accustomed for 50 years to picking up the phone and calling for help, learns that he can do many things which he never would have thought possible. The mysteries of a huge diesel engine, arcane RV plumbing, leaks and squeaks, and mechanical bits that often went" bump in the night" were challenges to be overcome ? often with humor and occasionally in sheer terror. Three highway trips on roads truly less travelled (and seldom paved) ? the Dempster, the Denali, the Top of the World - provide major challenges with commensurate rewards. The story also details the conflict (and growth)...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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