Succession or Multiplication? Transitioning a Movement to Next Generation Leadership【電子書籍】[ David Devenish ]

Succession or Multiplication? Transitioning a Movement to Next Generation Leadership【電子書籍】[ David Devenish ]

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<p>How do you transition from a first generation movement under one founder leader to becoming a second generation movement with a multiple leadership?</p> <p>This question has now become a particular challenge for many fresh movements of churches, and it can prove to be a difficult and daunting one. David Devenish tells the story of how Newfrontiers tackled this issue, and how they successfully transitioned to next generation leadership through multiplication of leadership teams rather than appointing a successor, while still maintaining ministry accountability.</p> <p>Combining practical lessons with academic study, Devenish brings a wealth of experience, insight, and guidance that will prove invaluable to other movements embarking on a similar journey.</p> <p>Content Benefits:</p> <p>The issue of leadership succession has become a particular challenge for many fresh movements of churches which started as a result of the faith step of a particular founder, and who are now having to m...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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